A BBC article from way back in 2008 confirmed that research for a tinnitus cure is ongoing throughout the world. One British audiologist believes a noise-suppressive drug with no side effects will be found within 20 years. A neurologist in Germany, who believes tinnitus sufferers have overactive hearing cells , is trying to normalize them by creating a magnetic field over the patient's head. The magnetic stimulation reduces neural activity and diminishes unwanted sound. Does it work? "Only one patient so far has been completely cured but many have found the volume of their tinnitus reduced ." In Belgium, 30 patients have had electrodes implanted into their brains to permanently normalize overactive neurons, with some successful results. For example, one woman, who had a permanent 80Db ringing in her head and felt suicidal, was the first tinnitus sufferer to have the operation. The outcome? "The first night I fell asleep. I woke up and didn't hear a...
Tinnitus information including treatments for tinnitus as well as cures. Obtain relief from the constant ringing in your ears, and get your life back.