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Showing posts with the label hearing loss

Hearing is a Non-Renewable Resource

At the age of just 24, Jack Wershler suddenly woke up with tinnitus, and it's been with him ever since. He had his hearing checked and was diagnosed with minor hearing loss which he now realizes is from years of listening to loud music in cars and concerts and on ipods.  Like most of us, he'd simply taken his hearing for granted. He wrote an article about his experience, which does not seem to be available online anymore. However, its lesson should not be lost.  E ducation on tinnitus should start (in an age-appropriate manner) at the elementary level. Although not everyone who has the condition got it through noise-induced damage, certainly a large majority of tinnitus sufferers do -- and they just didn't know any better. Noise-induced tinnitus is avoidable , and that's what we need to teach our children. Musician Tony Di Gregorio, who has tinnitus, was quoted in the article as saying that while it can be frustrating talking to people about tinnitus, he is trying ...

Hearing Loss Quiz

If you answer YES to 3 or more of the following questions, it may mean that you have hearing loss and should be evaluated by an audiologist : - Does your family complain that you turn the TV volume up too high? - Do you have a problem hearing on the phone? - Do you often have to ask people to repeat themselves? - Do you hear better on one ear than the other when you are on the telephone? - Do you have trouble following conversations that involve two or more people talking at the same time? - Do you have trouble understanding women and children are saying? - Do you have to strain to understand a conversation? - Does it seem to you that a lot of people mumble (or don't speak clearly)? - Do you have trouble hearing when the background is noisy? - Do you have trouble hearing in restaurants?  - Do family members or colleagues often make remarks about the fact that you missed what's just been said? - Do you ever have dizziness, pain, or ringing in your ears? - Do people get annoyed ...

Hearing Loss Prompts Onset of Tinnitus

Why are noises in your head so often linked to hearing loss?  Dr. Paul Donohue in The Herald Review reminds us that although hearing loss isn't the only cause of tinnitus (trauma to the ear or ear infections and even ear wax being other oft-noted culprits), it is one condition that does prompt the onset of tinnitus .   This is because the everyday assault of background noises to which we are accustomed and which " dampens noises generated by the brain and heard as tinnitus" is lost when hearing acuity diminishes. Without that auditory input, the inner noise becomes noticeable, and a person has tinnitus. This is why it is so important for people with tinnitus to have their hearing evaluated and to try different kinds of hearing aids. If the hearing loss is corrected, then the accompanying tinnitus -- caused by the loss of hearing the dampening background noises -- will also be corrected .  Read the full article here . Try Quietum Plus

Tinnitus: Ear Wax or a Side Effect of Hearing Loss?

A reader at the USA Today Health column asked if there's a hearing aid that can filter out the miserable ringing/buzzing in his ears due to heavy tinnitus.  The answer given was thorough: first make sure you see a doctor to check for treatable problems (which range from allergies to ear wax ).  If you have hearing loss, then the sounds in your head might well be a side effect of that condition. It seems that our brains compensate for the loss of sound inputs by creating sounds of their own .  The use of a sound-amplifying hearing aid can not only help you hear better, but it might also reduce your brain's need to make its own noise.  The balance of the column talks about distraction techniques and alternative therapies and notes that although tinnitus varies from case to case, it usually does fade with time and/or becomes "less bothersome." For example, some get relief by incorporating ambient sounds such as wind chimes into their daily routine. These sounds ar...