Are there home remedies for tinnitus that are worth a try? In his book "The Green Pharmacy," Dr. James A. Duke, suggests ginkgo biloba at a "50:1 ratio" helps reduce tinnitus. However, this may only be true if your tinnitus is caused by restricted blood and oxygen flow. "Studies show that Ginkgo biloba, which is a monoamine-oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) can effectively improve patients with tinnitus caused by ischemia due to having myricetin and quercetin flavonoids and ginkgolide and bilobalide terpenoids," according to a review paper in The International Tinnitus Journal . "Ginkgo biloba has antiplatelet and vascular modulator effects. In other words, it improves blood flow and appropriately regulates vascular tone." In the "Roots of Healing" by herbalist Deb Soule, there's a recommendation for something called a black cohosh tincture while in "The Herbal Handbook" (by the British herbalist David Hoffmann) goldenseal ...
Tinnitus information including treatments for tinnitus as well as cures. Obtain relief from the constant ringing in your ears, and get your life back.