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Showing posts with the label tinnitus-related suicide

What Does Tinnitus Sound Like?

Every person's tinnitus -- and suffering -- is unique.  Some people hear it in just one ear, some in both. Some hear different sounds in each ear, like one tinnitus sufferer who had a high decibel ringing in one ear with a sound like a gentle roar in the other.  Sometimes the sound seems be be located in one ear, but it's such a high frequency and so continuous, that if there is a low volume sound in the other ear, it's basically impossible to ascertain.  Most people with tinnitus do talk about cycles of intensity , with the ringing or flute and whistle sound being fairly quiet one day followed by several days of increased levels of volume. Ticking, ringing and other sounds can come and go, in addition to the constant roar , or might be the only sound heard.  Sometimes the noise is so loud as to be actually painful (compared to the piercing shriek of a smoke alarm) and when this goes on unabated, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with no end in sight, the results a...