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Showing posts with the label triggers

Tinnitus and Self-Help

While tinnitus is said to have no cure per se, there are some things you can do to help yourself as you explore treatment options.  For example, relaxation therapy can make the tinnitus sounds easier to ignore. Stress makes the volume of ringing in the ears louder, so while the sounds will not disappear through yoga or tai-chi, learning how to meditate will help lower anxiety which will in turn make the sound somewhat more manageable to live with.  A simple exercise to start out with is to focus "past the noise" of the tinnitus and instead on the sound of your breathing. If that's impossible to do, try it initially with white noise or natural sounds in the background.  Exercise is known to help people who suffer from clinical depression -- a condition that is very much associated with tinnitus sufferers. The physical well-being that exercise brings about lowers stress and again may make it easier to ignore and cope with the noise of your tinnitus. Concentrating on so...