People who have constant noise in their head and ears will do just about anything to get it to stop or at least lower the volume. In addition to exercise and yoga, both of which address stress and improves blood flow, try cutting alcohol and caffeine from your diet.
If you are experimenting with caffeine-free living, it's important to remember that it's not just your coffee and chocolate products that are "verboten". Tea contains caffeine as do many soft drinks and even medicines.
If you smoke and suffer from tinnitus, there's another good reason for you to stop smoking. Nicotine (even in smokeless tobacco) reduces blood flow to the brain which can worsen tinnitus.
Although ginkgo biloba (an blood thinning Asian herbal supplement common in Europe and used as an antioxidant and memory booster) has not been proven to relieve tinnitus, it does help with blood circulation -- and getting good blood flow to the ears is important for healthy hearing. The only potential complication with the use of ginkgo is for those people already taking a blood thinner.
However, anyone thinking of taking any dietary supplement or herbal medicine should always consult with their family doctor first. If your doctor gives you the all-clear, do your research before you buy, and get the purest extract available.
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