In his 2017 video, chiropractor Eric Berg describes his own version of a well-known finger thumping technique to reduce tinnitus.
He explains that the technique involves stimulation of the eighth cranial nerve. This is the nerve that affects hearing. With this technique, Berg says, you'll be working on the back of the skull that matches the cranial nerve at the level of the brain stem where the nerve comes out.
The finger drumming technique may help to desensitize ringing in the ears by creating a rhythmic finger drumming directly over the occipital ridge at the level of the brain stem.
Here's the technique:
Step 1: Rate the severity of the noise 1-10 (1 being no ringing and 10 being severe)
Step 2: Do this technique 20 times.
Step 3: Re-rate the severity and repeat technique.
Step 4: Continue this technique daily until resolved.
While it may seem weird to drum the back of your skull to help tinnitus, Berg says it's a lot like the principle of getting rid of chronic pain — you work on another part of the body. It's like a stuck energy that just keeps hurting over and over. To release it, you don't work on the painful area: you work on the mirror-image side.
Finger drumming for tinnitus involves the same principle. So you're going to be working on the back of your skull that matches this cranial nerve at the level of the brainstem.
The location of where you drum your fingers is very, very important, Berg emphasizes. The occipital ridge is at the level of your ears, and that's where you're going to be thumping your fingers.
He adds that there is a chance it might not work at all. So if it doesn't work the first time, it's probably not going to work at all.
But if it's going to work, it's going to work right away. Now, you may find that you have to do this 4 or 5 times to get rid of it completely. That's the simplicity of it, but you want to keep repeating this, and do it every single day until the tinnitus stays gone.
Watch the video:
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